Bulk Email Enrichment

Enhance your contact data with Bulk Email Enrichment on Tomba. Augment and refine your email list effortlessly for improved communication and engagement

Bulk Email Enrichment

Upload a list of emails To start a new Bulk Email Finder:

  • Go to the Bulks page.

  • Click on Bulk Email Enrichment

  • Select + New bulk and name your bulk.

Upload your file

Our system is designed to handle CSV and TXT for all delimiters. However, if you do run into any errors, there are a few things you can do to make the process more smooth:

  • If you are using a spreadsheet or CSV, make sure that all of your emails are in the same column.

  • Before uploading a CSV, it is always a good idea to open your list in a spreadsheet editor (Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc or Google Sheets) and save as a CSV. These programs ensure that your CSV is properly formatted.

Here are the possible Fields discovered with enrichment:

  • Job Title
  • Social Profiles
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Sources

Download and understand your results

The emails found will automatically be validated by Tomba. Once your file is processed, you will be able to see how many emails were found, and an overview of your results according to the validity of the emails:

In the Download in CSV section, you will have the option to download all the email addresses found

Browsing your uploaded tasks

  • We have the following actions you can perform:

Sort: you can sort through your uploaded tasks by Bulk title, Status, and Created Date.

  • Search: the ability to search by a specific bulk task
  • Rename: renaming your bulk task
  • Delete: you can now access a dropdown for each uploaded task. Through the dropdown

Enrich your Emails Via Microsoft Excel Add-in

Tomba for Microsoft excel can enrich your existing data by finding email addresses using first name, last name, and company website or company name.

  1. Open a Microsoft excel file with your contacts data. This data should at least contain a First Name, Last Name and Company or Domain Name. For better results, we suggest adding all 4 fields.
  2. Select the Enrichment tab.
  3. Match the contact fields to your corresponding columns.
  4. Check the My table has headers box if needed.
  5. Click on "Enrich".

Enrich your URLs Via Google Sheets Add-on

Tomba for Google Sheets can enrich your existing data by finding email addresses using first name, last name, and company website or company name.

  1. Open a Google Sheet file with your contacts data. This data should at least contain a First Name, Last Name and Company or Domain Name. For better results, we suggest adding all 4 fields.
  2. Select the Enrichment tab.
  3. Match the contact fields to your corresponding columns.
  4. Check the My table has headers box if needed.
  5. Click on "Enrich".

Tomba will automatically complete the sheet with the email addresses found for each person. It will also add a column for the confidence score, and a column for the status.

The status can be OK if an email has been found, no results if no email was found, or it can indicate an error message, such as Parameter(s) missing, if the Email Finder could not be processed. When parameters are missing, this means that data is missing in one of the mandatory column.

Using The Enrichment via API

look up person and company data based on an email

from tomba.client import Client
from tomba.services.finder import Finder

client = Client()


finder = Finder(client)

result = finder.enrichment('b.mohamed@tomba.io')

Official libraries for common programming languages, like PHP, Python, C# , Go ,Rust , Ruby , Dart , Javascript , R , Lua , Elixir etc.


Still have questions?

If you have any issues or questions about Tomba, feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help you!