The Claim feature can be used to update and edit the information associated with your email in Tomba or permanently remove it.
How can I Remove my information in Tomba?
Go to the Claim section in Tomba and simply enter your email (the email needs to be listed in Tomba).

An email will be sent to the email address you claimed to verify your identity. Click the "Claim this email address" button to access the claiming page.

The information submitted will be reviewed and updated in week maximum.
Related Articles
- Edit your data from Tomba
- Tomba and GDPR
- How can I delete my account?
- How We Find Email Addresses ?
- Activity log
- Bulk Email Verifier
- Bulk Author Finder
- Bulk Email Finder
- Bulk Email Enrichment
- Bulk Linkedin Email Finder
- Domain Search
- Author Finder
- Linkedin Email Finder
- Email Finder
- Email verification
Still have questions?
If you have any issues or questions about Tomba, feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help you!