Tomba Webhook

Webhooks make it simple to receive data and events from Tomba Webhook notifications are sent in an HTTP POST request.

What is a Webhook?

Sometimes people call webhooks reverse APIs, but perhaps more accurately a webhook lets you skip a step. With most APIs there’s a request followed by a response. No request is required for a webhook, it just sends the data when it’s available.

To use a webhook, you register a URL with the company providing the service. That URL is a place within your application that will accept the data and do something with it. In some cases, you can tell the provider the situations when you’d like to receive data. Whenever there’s something new, the webhook will send it to your URL.

Tomba Webhook notifications are sent in an HTTP POST request, and their contents (containing the response data) are in JSON format.

Configuration To configure the webhook you need to go to the Integrations section and then Webhooks and click on "New Webhook".

There you can select the form and the URL endpoint to send the data on every form submission.

TIP: It will only start sending information for the new forms done after the integration.

Still have questions?

If you have any issues or questions about Tomba, feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help you!