Did Not Receive Verification Email

Find solutions for not receiving verification emails, including troubleshooting steps to ensure successful delivery to your inbox.

You should receive a verification email from Tomba Contact within 20 minutes after signing up for a Tomba account. If you don't receive the verification email, first check the spelling of the address and try requesting another verification email to be sent. If that doesn't work, check out some suggestions below:

Reasons for Not Receiving a Verification Email

  • Typo - Check to make sure the email address is spelled correctly. If not, verify the address with the correct spelling.
  • Web Browser Needs a Refresh - Occasionally you'll need to manually refresh your browser to check for new emails. Spam or Junk Folder - Verification emails may be filtered directly into your email program's spam or junk mail folder. Your ISP or corporate domain may be configured to deliver commercial mail to this folder by default. If you do not find the email in this folder, try adding "@tomba.io" to your safe sender list, then request another verification email to be sent.
  • Blocked or Bounced Address - If you tried to verify a specific email address but did not receive the verification email, your ISP or corporate domain may have blocked the email. Although Tomba averages a very low block rate of around 3%, it's possible that your email address may be part of that 3%

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Getting Help

If you've tried the steps above and still haven't received a verification email, contact Support.