Domain Search

Supercharge your email search with Tomba's Domain Search. Easily discover all email addresses linked to a domain like "" for efficient outreach.

The Domain Search allows to find emails from a domain, or website.

Type or copy and paste the domain name into the input box located in the dashboard.

Tomba will automatically find all the available email addresses associated with it and the following information, when available:

Domain Information

  • Company name
  • facebook URL
  • LinkedIn URL
  • Twitter URL
  • logo
  • Company size
  • Founded
  • phone number
  • Country
  • city
  • Employees
  • Revenue
  • Last updated


  • Full name
  • Job title
  • Telephone number
  • Twitter profile
  • LinkedIn profile
  • Country
  • gender

Show sources for the emails found

All the emails found in the Domain Search are publicly sourced from the web. Click the arrow next to the number of available sources to expand them.

All links are active and they will lead you to the specific page where Tomba found the email by providing a reference date too.

Apply filters to the emails found

You can filter Generic or Personal email addresses before or after processing a Domain Search.

  • Generic email addresses are role-based email addresses, like contact@ or support@.
  • Personal email addresses are the professional email addresses of the people inside the organization, like

Find emails for a specific job title

With the department filter you can find the emails for people associated with a specific position in a company.

After launching a Domain Search simply choose the department you want to find emails for.

Verifying an email address

An email address can be verified by clicking the verification icon next to it in the Domain Search:

Get cell phone numbers

After launching a Domain Search simply click on phone icon

Find a specific person's email

The Domain Search also returns the most likely email pattern to identify a person. For example: {first}.{last}

After performing a Domain Search, it is possible to find the email of a specific person working at that company:

  1. enter the First and Last Name of the person you are looking for in the Find Someone box;
  2. simply hit the search icon of press Enter to retrieve the email address for that person along with the list of sources and confidence score.

Find email addresses from a domain via Microsoft excel add-in

Find email addresses from a domain via Microsoft Google Sheets Add-on

Using The Domain Search via API

get email addresses found on the internet.

from tomba.client import Client
from import Domain

client = Client()


domain = Domain(client)

result = domain.domain_search('')

Official libraries for common programming languages, like PHP, Python, C# , Go ,Rust , Ruby , Dart , Javascript , R , Lua , Elixir etc.

The Confidence Score

Every email address in the Domain Search is provided with a Confidence Score. Each email address can show a green, orange or red dot next to it. The confidence score depends on the amount of information we have on a domain name and the sources for the email.

These dots are a good indicator for the email's deliverability and, by hovering it, you’ll get the precise Confidence Score %:

Emails with a confidence score of 95% or higher have a high chance of being fully deliverable although a high score does not guarantee a 100% fully deliverable email.

Providing an accurate and updated confidence score is our first priority, although we suggest running the emails that are gathered through the Email Verifier. That will give you a more accurate indication of whether the email will bounce allowing you to have a full deliverability report on the email

Some emails have been already verified and are marked with a "verified" icon next to them:

Export the email addresses found in CSV

Users who are on a paid plan can use the “Export in CSV” link to export the emails found for a Domain.

You can also copy a single email address by clicking on it:

Save the email

you can save in email by clicking the save as lead button

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Still have questions?

If you have any issues or questions about Tomba, feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help you!