The Author Finder tool can't find a blog post's author.

Explore why the Author Finder tool may not locate a blog post's author, with insights into troubleshooting for better results.

The Author Finder tool can't find a blog post's author.

Troubleshooting the Author Finder Tool

If the Author Finder tool fails to identify the author of a blog post, consider the following potential reasons:

  • The author's full name or company domain may not be present in our database.
  • Tomba may not have data available for the specific domain you are searching for.
  • The algorithm failed to yield a relevant result.
  • Information extraction from the blog post on the website was unsuccessful.
  • There could be an issue with the website's loading speed.

What Can You Do?

While the Author Finder tool is occasionally inaccurate, you can improve your chances of finding the author's email with these steps: