Report a bug

Encounter an issue? Learn how to report discrepancies or errors, helping us improve accuracy and user experience.

We're always interested in knowing when the product doesn't operate as expected, so please reach out.

There are two ways to do that:

  • The chat button to the bottom-right ↘️ of website page will connect you with our support team
  • Directly from email. contact us and you'll be connected to our support team.

Before reporting a bug, we recommend clearing your browser's cache as a first step. If your trouble persists, please reach out with the following information alongside a description of the bug.

If possible, include screenshots or a screenshot (we love Loom if you need a tool for screenshot) so that we can address the bug as quickly as possible.

Is Tomba not loading?

If you see Tomba's icon and name to the left of your profile picture in Gmail, skip this section and head to the next.

  • What browser you're using to access Tomba
  • If you're using a VPN, any security/privacy extensions (Privacy Badger, AdBlock), or anything else that modify your experience in Tomba

Is Tomba loading?

  • Open the command palette by typing command+shift+p on a Mac or control+shift+p on Windows or Linux
  • type "debug" into the command palette to get your debug panel
  • Select "copy debug panel contents". This will copy your debug panel to your clipboard so you can paste it into your message.

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Still have questions?

If you have any issues or questions about Tomba, feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help you!